Image processing

which package should be used to write an image processing program for Reachy?

Hello @Amirhossein !

Here is the information for a Reachy 2023 :
To get the images from Reachy, you can find the relevant commands at the following link : Reachy’s cameras - Reachy 2023 (

For examples of programs that use video streaming, here is the link to the FaceTracking app documentation : Face Tracking - Reachy 2023 (

In addition, it seems to me that you wanted information on the Reachy microphone:

I hope I’ve answered all your questions.


for Face Tracking has problem and said no module named pycoral.utils

Are you sure you have a Reachy 2023? (–> Which Reachy model do I own? (2019, 2021 or 2023))

Usually we already install the pycoral library on Reachys 2023 but maybe we miss to do that on yours, sorry about that. We made a Notion page with each command that we run to install pycoral on Python 3.10, the commands are taken from an issue on the pycoral repository, let us know if this works!

yes We have Reachy 2021

I have now this Error:
failed to load delegate from

I could run the face tracking system.
I want to write a face recognition program also I want to know with which package I can do that for Reachy?

Hello !
For the facetracking application, we are using an AI model to detect faces on the last image taken by the Reachy cameras. This model runs on Reachy’s Coral EdgeTPU.
I invite you to take a closer look at the app code, which is fully available on Github to help you with your own projects: GitHub - pollen-robotics/reachy-face-tracking.

Yes I know that.
But I want to write a face recognition program to recognize faces not for tracking.

You’ve made the right move by going to the following topic : [How To] train an image classifier using Coral TPU directly on Reachy
To create a facial recognition program, you could train a model in a similar way to the TicTacToe.

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