The App of controling reachy via VR

Hello Reachy Creator

May I ask for the app/software used to control reachy via VR Oculus?

is it an open source?

Hello @queenslandrobotic,

The application to teleoperate the robot using VR has not been released yet!
But it will be open-source :wink:


Hi @Gaelle

Has there been any update on this?

I see on the website that there seems to be a Unity version where you could simulate the control of Reachy using VR. Is this specific Unity package available anywhere to download?

Or is there something I can add to the current 2019 repo to control Reachy using VR (since the 2021 repo isn’t available yet)?

Note, on the VR Installation page, it says “Install the teleoperation application.” but there is no link to the teleoperation application, is something missing here? Would this application be a Unity package/project or is it simply a standalone/executable application?

Thank you.

Hello @A-Ivan,

There is no update at the moment.

We are still trying to figure out how to properly release it. You can see Pierre answer’s on Github: VR Support · Issue #2 · pollen-robotics/reachy-unity-package · GitHub

Reachy 2019 is not compatible with VR, and nothing will be added to this version.

Best regards,

Hi @Gaelle,

Thank you for your reply. I understand. I hope you guys are able to figure it out soon, this has a lot of potential to expand on simulation and testing, not only for teleoperation with the actual robot.

I will check out Pierre’s answer on github.

Best regards,

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@Gaelle Any update on this thread? I’d love to check out the code for the VR teleportation experience! :slight_smile: