SDK Version and error

We are just getting familiar with Reachy sdk and have some basic question on the sdk version:

  1. Do we assume that reachy2_sdk is newer than reachy_sdk
  2. If the answer is yes, then the following code does not work and we get “Cannot connect…” error with reachy2_sdk
from reachy2_sdk.reachy_sdk import ReachySDK
reachy = ReachySDK(host="")

However, if we use reachy_sdk.reachy instead it works.

Can someone please clarify? Thank you.

Hi !

Sorry if this wasn’t clear on our GitHub page, but the reachy2_sdk is only compatible with a Reachy 2 robot. If your Reachy is from 2021 or 2023 (Reachy 1.2), you should use the SDK that was initially installed on the robot, which is the reachy_sdk package.

For your case, since your code works with reachy_sdk.reachy, that confirms you are using a Reachy 1.2, and you should stick with the original SDK.

You can find more details and the correct SDK here: [GitHub link]

Hope that helps! Let us know if you have any other questions.
