There is currently no integration on Moveit for Reachy. However, here are some informations that may be useful for your project if you have a 2023 Reachy :
- The repository: GitHub - pollen-robotics/reachy_moveit_config_ros2: Moveit2 configuration package for Reachy allows you to run Moveit in “fake” mode, i.e. using a ros_control driver for testing, which simulates motors in the simplest way, where they teleport to the requested position. ROS2 Control: fake_components::GenericSystem Class Reference
- Or you can use Gazebo.
Version 2021 of Reachy has not yet implemented the “ros_control” interfaces, so it’s not possible to use standard ROS controllers. Here are 2 possible solutions :
- Either implement the trajectory_controller, add it to GitHub - pollen-robotics/reachy_controllers: ROS2 Foxy package for Reachy 2021 joints, fans, sensors and image controllers. and run it separately;
- Or port what we’ve done to Reachy_2023, knowing that the hardware is different and that you’ll have to modify the hardware_interface ros_control.