While face tracking, one of the joints on the orbital head stopped working.
The head refuses to move towards the right now.
It also does not move with the power turned off, so it seems like a mechanical issue.
While face tracking, one of the joints on the orbital head stopped working.
The head refuses to move towards the right now.
It also does not move with the power turned off, so it seems like a mechanical issue.
Dear @abbanana,
I apologize for the delayed response. First, I invite you to manually try to move each arm of Orbita, as shown in the following gif :
Try to move the arm from its base, as this can make it easier to adjust, though it may require applying a bit of force. This will help determine if the behavior is generalized to one or more arms.
Feel free to send me photos or videos to illustrate your tests.
If you’re able to move all the arms of Orbita with a bit of force, this indicates they are not stuck, and I suggest trying to control them again via the SDK. If they still don’t respond or behave correctly at that point, we will discuss the next steps to take.